Cory Weller
Evolutionary & Ecological Genetics


For full detail, see my CV!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been interested in teaching and training others. Aside from working as a TA, the University of Virginia has provided many teaching-related opportunities through the Center for Teaching Excellence:

Prior to starting my PhD, I worked as a biomedical instructor for the American Red Cross, where I trained and assessed employees on their procedures.

Intro to Computational Biology

I’m currently teaching the first course of my own design, Intro to Computational Biology as a Distinguished Teaching Fellow at UVA. The course is intended for students who have no programming experience, easing students into using a terminal to manipulate files, and using R to analyze data. See the course website for a closer look!

The look of pride for finishing their first GWAS!

Biology Programming Hours

For the last two years, I’ve hosted a weekly walk-in forum called the Biology Programming Hours. It’s a free-form meeting space where people can attend for as much or as little time as they want to discuss programming-related questions. The event is attended by graduate and undergraduate students alike, some coming with specific questions, and others coming just to be part of the community.

The current iteration of our flier

Past Courses

In the past I’ve instructed a summer session of Organismal and Evolutionary Biology, and have taught the lab multiple times. I have also taught lab sections for Human Anatomy & Physiology and Molecular & Cell Biology.

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